Friday, July 21, 2023

Wally furry and funny friend Poem

Oh Wally, you furry and funny friend
Your antics and tricks never end!
A Bernadoodle with black and white hair
Bringing us laughter and joy without care.

Smart as a whip and friendly as can be
A sweeter dog the world may never see! 
You chase after balls and flashlights with glee
Then cool down with water from the hose with pure glee!

Your days are filled with playtime and more
Racing and wrestling, you're never a bore!
Friends from near and far love your charm
As you shower them with nuzzles so warm. \

At day's end you rest your tired head 
Dreaming of new adventures ahead! 
Faithful and true, gentle and kind
A better companion we'll never find.

Oh Wally, you are too good to be true
We smile and laugh each day thanks to you! 
Our lives filled with light by your love shown
Dearest, darling Wally - our home is your home!

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