Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wally Poem 2024

Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie down. Take a moment to adjust your body so you are completely supported and relaxed. Slowly begin to deepen your breath, breathing in fully and exhaling out any tension. Today, we will be listening to a poem about Wally Bear, the best Saint Berndoodle in the world. 

Wally Poem 

With coat of ink, and patches bright, A Saint Berdoodle, a wondrous sight. Wally, a gentle giant's soul, A heart so big, it can make you whole.

His eyes, like pools reflecting night, Hold wisdom deep, and playful light. Floppy ears that catch the breeze, As through the park he trots with ease.

His tail, a flag of joy unfurled, A happy dance for all the world. He sniffs the roses, red and white, A gentle giant, full of might.

Fetch becomes a valiant quest, To bring the ball back, put it to the test. He leaps and bounds, a furry blur, Black and white fur, a joyful stir.

Walks by the lake, a tranquil scene, Paws paddling, a playful sheen. He chases ducks, a feigned attack, But kindness gleams in his gentle black.

Sunbeams dance, a teasing light, He chases shadows, day and night. A flashlight's beam, a playful foe, He pounces, leaps, with joyful glow.

The bathtub's edge, his favorite spot, A cool cascade, a refreshing plot. He laps the water, pure delight, Black and white fur, gleaming bright.

More than just a pet, a friend so true, His loyalty shines, clear and blue. A furry guardian, by your side, In Wally Bear, love does reside.

So here's to Wally, our gentle friend, May our adventures never end. With every wag, and playful bark, He fills our lives with his joyful spark.

Sleep Well!

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