Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Sleep Self Hypnosis Script II

Make yourself comfortable in bed and take a few deep, calming breaths. Feel your body sink into the mattress as you exhale away any tension. 

Imagine a brilliant white light at the top of your head, radiating warmth and serenity through your body. This healing light washes away any negativity, draining stress or anxiety down through your feet. 

Picture your favorite peaceful place. It could be a quiet beach, a meadow, or anywhere you feel most at ease. See the details vividly in your mind. Hear the soothing sounds, feel the gentle textures, and savor the calming scents.

As you breathe slowly and deeply, feel your body relaxing more deeply. Any busy thoughts or worries float away like clouds passing across the sky. Your mind is clear and focused only on this moment.

Repeat positive suggestions to yourself such as, "I am drifting into deep relaxation" and "My body and mind are calm." Feel your eyelids growing heavier with each breath. 

If any distracting thoughts enter your mind, imagine them written on leaves floating down a gentle stream. Let them pass by without judgment. Return your focus to your serene imagery.

Know that you are safe and at peace. Let go of any remaining stress and tension. Feel your body becoming heavier, your mind perfectly still. You are ready for a night of deep, restful sleep. 

Continue to breathe slowly as you drift off. The peace of this moment carries you through the night, waking refreshed and renewed. Know that you can return to this place of tranquility anytime.

When you are ready, take a deep breath and gently open your eyes, feeling relaxed and ready for restful sleep.

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