Saturday, July 8, 2023

A night in the Woods with Wally

Wally and Jason had been planning to go on a camping trip to Mirror Lake State Park for a long time. They had heard a lot of good things about the park, and they wanted to see it for themselves. They had booked a campsite online, and they had packed everything they needed for their trip. They were very excited.

They left their home early in the morning, and drove to the park. The drive was scenic and pleasant, and they enjoyed the views of the countryside. They listened to some music, and Wally sang along with his favorite songs.

They arrived at the park around noon, and checked in at the visitor center. They got their vehicle admission sticker, their map, and their campsite number. They also got some information about the park, such as the trails, the facilities, and the rules.

They drove to their campsite, which was located near the lake. It was a spacious and shady site, with a picnic table, a fire ring, and a tent pad. They unloaded their car, and set up their tent. They made sure to store their food in a secure container, to prevent any animals from getting into it.

They had some lunch, and then decided to go for a walk around the lake. They put on their hiking shoes, and grabbed their water bottles. They also took the flashlight, just in case.

They left their campsite, and followed the trail that led to the lake. The trail was well-marked and easy to follow. It was about two miles long, and it circled around the lake.

The lake was beautiful. It was clear and calm, and it mirrored the sky and the trees. There were some boats on the water, but they were far away and quiet. The lake was surrounded by sandstone bluffs, which rose up to 50 feet high in some places. They were red and orange in color, and they contrasted with the green of the trees.

Wally and Jason walked around the lake, admiring the scenery. Wally sniffed around the ground, looking for interesting smells. He found some deer tracks, some squirrel droppings, and some wildflowers. He also found some acorns, which he liked to chew on.

Jason took some pictures of the lake and the bluffs with his phone. He also took some selfies with Wally, who posed happily for him. He posted some of them on his social media accounts, with captions like “Camping with my best buddy” and “Mirror Lake is amazing”.

They came to a wooden bridge that crossed over a narrow part of the lake. Jason decided to cross it, and Wally followed him. As they crossed the bridge, they heard a loud splash from under them.

“What was that?” Jason asked.

Wally looked down and saw something moving in the water. It was big and dark, and it had two glowing eyes.

“Wow, look at that!” Jason said. “It’s a beaver!”

Wally barked and wagged his tail. He loved beavers. He had seen them on TV before, but he had never seen one in real life.

The beaver looked up at them and made a chattering noise. Then it slapped its tail on the water and dove under.

“Did you see that?” Jason said. “That was so cool!”

Wally agreed. He thought the beaver was very cool.

They continued their walk around the lake, hoping to see more beavers or other animals. They saw some ducks, some geese, some turtles, and some fish. They also saw some signs of other animals, such as otters, muskrats, raccoons, foxes, coyotes

They walked around the lake for about an hour, and then decided to head back to their campsite. They were getting hungry, and they wanted to make some dinner.

They retraced their steps, and crossed the bridge again. As they did, they heard another splash from under them.

“Look, it’s the beaver again!” Jason said.

Wally looked down and saw the beaver swimming towards them. It had something in its mouth. It was a stick.

The beaver reached the shore, and climbed out of the water. It dropped the stick on the ground, and looked at them.

“Is it offering us the stick?” Jason asked.

Wally tilted his head. He wasn’t sure what the beaver was doing.

The beaver made a chattering noise, and nudged the stick with its nose. It seemed to want them to take it.

Jason reached down and picked up the stick. It was wet and gnawed on. He smiled at the beaver.

“Thank you,” he said.

The beaver nodded, and made another chattering noise. Then it turned around and went back into the water.

Jason and Wally watched it swim away. They were both amazed by what had just happened.

“That was incredible,” Jason said. “The beaver gave us a gift.”

Wally barked and wagged his tail. He agreed. The beaver was very nice.

They continued their walk back to their campsite, with Jason holding the stick. They decided to keep it as a souvenir of their encounter with the beaver.

They arrived at their campsite, and made some dinner. They ate their food, and then roasted some marshmallows over the fire. They told stories, and sang songs, and laughed a lot.

They put out the fire, and got ready for bed. They crawled into their sleeping bags, and cuddled together.

Wally dreamed of beavers and sticks and lakes.

He would never forget this wonderful day.

The next morning, they woke up early, and packed up their things. They said goodbye to their campsite, and drove back home.

They had a great time at Mirror Lake State Park, and they made some new friends there. They would always remember their camping trip there, and they would always cherish their memories of it.

The End.

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